Twining Enterprise 2020 Christmas Fundraiser

This year, the coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented challenges; young people from BAME backgrounds have been particularly affected. These communities have borne the brunt of hardship, and so for this reason form a key target for this campaign. Your donations will help us to continue to deliver one-to-one transformative coaching, information, advice and guidance to help them and others find and sustain mainstream employment.
We are also pleased to invite you to our brand new charity supporter portal. Here you will be able to sign up and get the latest news on Twining Enterprise’s exciting initiatives, including this one. To register your details just click here.
For over twenty-six years Twining Enterprise has been providing frontline mental health employment-based support helping individual with mental health problems living in London find and sustain work. We are proud of our track record. Even in the pandemic we have continued to innovate services and get results. In fact, since 23 March, we’ve still managed to help over 700 people, over 200 of of whom have transformed their life by finding a job, or further education and training.
Nevertheless, we want to do more. This Christmas fundraiser is about making life a little easier for some the London’s most vulnerable individuals and communities. With your help we will continue to scale up services to meet demand, and take many more individuals from stress to success. If you would like to donate please visit