Our news
Keep up-to-date with everything Twining is doing, below are our latest news stories and you can read our blog here.
Mental Health First Aid: Skills that Stay with you
Earlier this year, Twining trained 91 front line workers to become Mental Health First Aiders in partnership with Ealing Public Health. Three months later we asked them what impact MHFA had. Read more
Welfare Reform; Building & Learning From What Works Locally
Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, has today given a speech on welfare, mental health and sickness benefits. Bob Kitchin, Twining Chief Executive, responds to today’s speech. Read more
See Our Infographic Impact Review
To celebrate 20 years of employment support for people with mental health problems we've put together an interactive e-review with pictures, facts and real mental health stories Read more
Launch of Haringey Service
Joint press release from Twining Enterprise and Haringey Council. New Employment Support Service, supporting people in the area with mental health problems into work. Read more
Ealing Mental Health First Aid Courses a Success
Ten Mental Health First Aid courses later and we’ve released nearly 100 new First Aiders into Ealing! Congratulations to everyone who has completed the courses, held between February and May 2015. Read more
Our Year in an Infographic
A recap of what we got up to in 2014 as we get excited about 2015! Read more