Kay's Story

Image by fotologic, copyright protected
See how employment support helped Kay find work; it was not only practical help that made a difference but also the knowledge that someone cared...
I was called at home by a Twining Advisor called Barry. I remember at the time I was feeling very low in myself and was struggling to continue with my part time IT course, due to a very painful eye condition.
Talking to Barry helped me immensely - knowing there was someone there for me meant so much.
He always called me when he said he would and was forever researching potential job roles or finding directions on Google maps. He even typed up my CV for me and made it look a million times better. I remember the telephone never stopped ringing after that. It was agency after agency wanting to recruit me!
Barry was kind, sympathetic and professional. He taught me to prioritise my workload; which is when things started to get better.
I am now in full time employment feeling so much better; more confident about myself and life in general.
I am looking to do voluntary work at the weekends as I feel it's time to give something back to help others.
Without the help of Twining I wouldn't be where I am today. I am grateful to Barry and everyone else there who helped me.
*Due to the stigma attached to mental health, this client has chosen to withhold their real name and image.