Nick's getting into work*

Nick needed support to get into work. He had struggled with a mental health problem and had been out of work for three years. With the support of his Employment Advisor, Lan, he managed to find work that matched his goals and needs.
I have been working with Twining Enterprise for a little under a year. I was told about the organisation from my care coordinator, as I had been looking for work for a long time.
Before, I would use newspapers, recruitment agencies and the Job Centre to look for jobs but I didn't find anything.
I was unaware of disclosure options and was worried about what to say and to whom. I thought that my mental health condition would prevent me from getting a job.
Whilst working with Twining I was supported with creating a CV, job searches (including vacancies direct from employer contacts and other agencies) and information on disclosing my health condition.
In my first meeting, with my Employment Specialist, we spoke about looking for a job which fits around my college course. I like fixing furniture and photography. My Employment Specialist did some research and found a couple of vacancies for furniture repair shops and sent me links.
She never tried to push jobs on me that I didn't want, which is what I found different compared to other support; my Employment Specialist respected my preferences and choices.
I eventually received a reply from a furniture shop and I was invited to an interview, which I got!
I started working at the premises on a part time basis; 15 hours over two days, which was perfect to fit around my college course.
Getting into work was just the beginning, find out what happened next...
*This person has chosen not to share their real name and image. Image from Peter Shanks, Copyright protected.