From Twining client to employee, Ariana transforms her life.

Copy of After losing my job because of the pandemic  Twining Enterprise not only helped me find work  but gave me the confidence to find a role that s better than the last  2

My journey with Twining Enterprise started the day, I had a mental & an emotional breakdown. At the time I didn't realise it was happening.

I was referred by my GP for Counselling. I was still working at the time, and carried on working as I was so scared that I might lose my job and that I needed to be carrying on being the main provider for my family.

My counsellor then referred me to Twining Enterprise. This is where I met my Employment Specialist Lena. Little did I know at the time, this was my first step in not only healing but also the first step in transitioning from client to being employed at Twining Enterprise!

My journey with Lena, is something that I will never forget. I am so grateful and thankful for all the help and support. When I did not believe in myself, there was Lena, being patient, super supportive, compassionate, yet focussed on helping me focus on what matters. I was in a job for 14 years, so I had no CV. I did not where to start, and did not even feel motivated to start as I felt useless. I was too embarrassed to ask for help. However, finally, I mustered up the courage to do so. 

 Lena helped me believe in myself, guided me and supported me. She provided me with the tools that I would need to succeed. Lena recognised my skills and potential. She once asked me If I would be interested in working for Twining. I was so shocked as in my head and heart I secretly wished that. I always thought, I wish I could be like Lena and work in an organisation with likeminded people. Make a difference. As a client, I walked out of every meeting feeling hopeful.

  I had a month’s break during my journey due to my father passing. When I returned it was back to support – with job searching and the lot. I had mock interviews and finally I applied for a vacancy at Twining at got an interview. The rest is history.

  Now as an employee of Twining Enterprise I am now working as Employment Specialist. Every day over the last 2 months, I start my day being very thankful. I'm thankful to the powers that be & to my ES Lena without whom I would not be here today.  Next up my current team, to my line manager and my IPS service director, and to each and everyone I have met since starting at Twining Enterprise.

Starting at Twining Enterprise, I can finally find myself healing from my trauma, I find that I am in a better state of mind, and a  safer environment. Everyone is warm, welcoming & hugely supportive. I am finally a part of an organisation which does exactly what they say they do. I can finally work with amazing individuals and make a difference.

I look forward to work every day. I look forward to life. I love it.  I owe my life to Twining Enterprise, which has been the light at the end of the tunnel.  I strive and hope to pay forward the support & belief in me and make a difference.


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