Breaking the cycle of an uncomfortable day-to-day life…

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Chronic pain and few distractions led Antonia to a ‘dark routine of life’.  Added to that, finding a job was challenging due to her health complications.  However, her Employment Specialist Peter stayed alongside Antonia, supporting her to break the cycle and find a good work-life balance that she now loves! Here, Antonia talks to us about her recovery journey…

What was your life like before finding Twining Enterprise?

Life was definitely a challenge before finding Twining Enterprise. I struggled doing the bare minimum - experiencing chronic pain with nothing to distract me, it placed me in a dark routine of life.

What steps did you take to improve?

Through the therapy, to the counselling, to even courses Peter has provided me with, they have really exposed my strengths and uplifted my confidence.  This has given me the motivation to keep on going and encouraged me that I am capable of reaching high.

What’s happening in your life now?

Finding a job suitable for me was extremely difficult due to health complications which is why I will always be grateful to Peter for the help and support he offered me. He found the right work environment for me, that allowed me to break the cycle of an uncomfortable day-to-day life, and step into a good work-life balance that I enjoy!



Please note - This charitable project is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.

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