Amy has been amazing every step of the way

Kimberley* suffered with epilepsy and had to leave her job due to stress and a toxic work environment. She really wanted a complete change of career but knew this would be a challenge for anyone and potentially exacerbated by her fears around ‘starting again.’ Then she was referred to Twining Enterprise and met Amy, her dedicated Employment Advisor. Through their regular sessions Amy gave Kimberley the confidence and excitement to go for it! Kimberley was so pleased with the support she received, she wrote in to tell us…
I just wanted to give some feedback following being discharged from the Twining service regarding my designated Employment Specialist, Amy.
Amy is the most lovely person I have met. Not only did she help me to learn new ways to search for jobs using sites that I have never even heard of, she also gave me excellent advice, and helped me to gain the confidence to apply for roles that previously seemed completely unattainable to me.
I really believed that the Twining service would be to go through a single application and then push me to prove the number of applications completed per week which would have only heightened my anxiety. Instead, I was able to work with an absolutely lovely, intelligent and extremely diligent specialist and I cannot even express how supportive she has been.
I am suffering from epilepsy so I had to leave my job due to the stress and a toxic work environment and I am looking to completely change my career. This would be an extremely scary time for anyone and something that was previously worsened by fears of starting again, however, Amy has given me the confidence and excitement to go for it. I am not sure which route I want to go yet but Amy helped to calm my fears by explaining my options and counselling me on the outcomes that I feared the most.
Although I still have a way to go, I really had no idea where to start before speaking to Amy and she has been amazing every step of the way. My only "complaint" is that I am not able to continue working with her forever!
I sent the message below to Amy at my most difficult point but I would like for it to be shared because I am extremely grateful for everything that Amy has done for me.
“I want to thank you for listening to me and for also supporting me today, it really made a difference.
You always ensure that I feel comfortable and adapt the sessions seamlessly as well as advising me in a way that makes me feel empowered and confident in myself and my abilities. I never feel any judgment when I explain my concerns and insecurities about finding a new job which I previously hid from people because I saw it as a weakness. I now feel like understanding my concerns is a way to exclude some jobs instead of suffering through them for the sake of it, some jobs just don't suit and that's not a personal issue, it could just be a preference.”
*Picture of model to protect client anonymity