I learnt not to undersell myself

Julie* had suffered unfair treatment from her employer but didn’t have the courage to leave because she feared she wouldn’t get another job. After being referred by Harrow NHS Talking Therapies, she started working with Aleaha, her dedicated Employment Advisor. Aleaha supported Julie to build up her confidence and her belief in herself, and now Julie is in a different role and earning more money! Here she tells us about her experience with Twining in her own words…
I was referred to Twining by Harrow Talking Therapy. I had suffered unfair treatment at my job including verbal abuse by my employer. I wanted to quit my job but I didn't have the courage and was worried about not being able to get another one. I worked at my previous company for almost eight years but was not valued at all. I lost my mum earlier this year and rather than being supportive, my employer made my life hell.
Within a week after referring me to you guys, I got a call from Aleaha to get a basic understanding of my situation and she asked me to send my CV to her. Aleaha booked a virtual meeting with me and went through the whole CV advising me where to make changes. She also shared a template and reassured me that she will help me to fill out the sections where I am stuck. I think it took us three attempts to get the full CV ready because I could not cut it down to two pages.
She not only supported me with the CV but was also supportive emotionally. She reassured me that I will find the job before our eight sessions end. I had lost hope after so many rejections and some didn't even respond. I was still grieving and the rejections were taking me to a dark space.
Aleaha was like a support system which I needed during the hard times. She made me realise that no one should suffer abuse nor should they tolerate it. I started becoming confident and started taking rejections positively. I made notes of the interview questions and went through my answers with Aleaha. She corrected me and advised me on how to answer them differently.
Whenever I had interviews, Aleaha was quick to respond and she tried to squeeze in a session before my interview. I have not done an interview in eight years and therefore had forgotten the process. She reminded me not to undersell myself because I am worth more. After gathering some courage, I quit my job even though there was nothing in line. This was all it needed because my luck changed and I started getting responses and job offers from many places. I gave my all in the last interview and was not nervous at all because Aleaha's words were playing in my head that “I should not undersell myself”. I was offered a job straight away after the interview ended, and more money than what I was asking for.
I start my new job next year doing an admin role earning much more than what I earned being a Deputy Care Manager. Aleaha was like a mentor; a therapist who gave me hope and confidence that I can get a good job which I deserve. She was right that I will get a job before eight sessions. I could not have done this without her help and I am very grateful to her. She is an amazing person and was not holding back to tell me where I lacked.
I agreed to give feedback because I was genuinely satisfied by the support and wanted to pay back for all the support Aleaha provided me, and who knows, my example may give someone hope that they will get a job; all you have to do is take the advice. Aleaha was the ray of light in my life who gave me hope.
*Picture changed to protect client anonymity