Meena's Story*

After feeling forced to leave her job, Meena's mental health suffered. She began staying in for days on end and isolating herself. Since being referred to us, everything has changed...
Before I met with Twining, I was feeling very low and depressed. I had been forced to leave my job because I couldn’t cope with the stress from new bosses. My home life was changing too and it was all too much for me. I didn’t feel like I was good for anything. Sometimes I would sit at home, not leaving the house for days. I went to see my GP, who referred me to Twining Enterprise.
Anita, my Employment Advisor, was really helpful. I thought my CV was pretty poor and I had a lot of anxiety about applying for jobs. Anita was really there for me.
She met up with me regularly, sometimes even three to four times a week. She always worked around me, meeting up in coffee shops or cafes, if that was easier for me. She kept in contact in between sessions, and would meet-up on short notice if something came up.
The best thing was that she was never too formal but always very friendly and empathetic.
If she saw I was anxious that day, she would stop everything and just listen to me. She never gave up on me, even when, at times, I gave up on myself. I felt like she gave me her whole heart and self.
She pointed me towards books about anxiety and self-esteem, found jobs for me to apply for, and help with applications if I needed it.
On one occasion, I was really nervous about finding out about volunteering, so she went with me to a volunteer centre. The next day, I thought “I can do this”, and found the confidence to go myself.
Positive comments from volunteering really improved my self-esteem and encouraged me to apply for more and more jobs.
When I finally heard back from employers, I became really anxious but Anita supported me. Even just before my interview, she met up with me and relaxed me by making me laugh.
In the end, I had the choice between two jobs, and am now working. I am not perfect but I am a lot better than I was. I am not locked indoors for five days, depressed and unable to leave. I’m feeling good about working and am relieved to be earning something. I’ve really built myself up and have a lot more motivation than I did. Twining was really there for me and I hope by writing this, I can be there for others too.
*Due to the stigma attached to mental health, this client has chosen to withhold their name and image.