Using my own experience to change lives

Following a serious road accident Zack found getting back into work tough. He took the brave step of seeking support via his GP and was referred to Twining Enterprise and his dedicated Employment Specialist, Peter. Just working alongside Peter to develop his CV caused Zack’s confidence to come back again. He then found an opportunity to work as a mentor and turn his own difficult experience into a positive one, by supporting young mentees to turn their lives around too. Here Zack tells us his own inspirational story in his own words…
About four years ago I was a victim of a serious hit and run car crash, and I’m still recovering now. It has been a really difficult time and so I went to my GP for some help in getting back on my feet. I was in a low place, and I wasn’t sure how I could get back into work. It felt like no one was helping me and so my GP asked whether I’d like to be contacted by this employment support company called Twining Enterprise, and I said yes, as no one else was helping me. They recommended the branch in Barnet, which is local to me.
At my first meeting I met Peter, who would be my dedicated Employment Specialist. Peter explained to me how he could help with my work situation. I wasn’t comfortable telling employers about my physical disability and so at first he said we could look at part time jobs. He also explained that some jobs needed to include people with disabilities in their workforce, which gave me some hope.
We then started looking at my CV. This was my biggest challenge as I knew I had a gap of four years due to the accident and needing that time to recover. I didn’t want it to seem like I didn’t want to work, because I did want to work. Peter sent me four documents that explained how to make a good CV. I went away and worked on it and Peter then looked at it and said I needed to do some more work to develop it further. So, I went back and did some more and then Peter said I was ready.
Just the process of working with Peter started to make me feel better in myself and I found myself feeling more confident again and feeling like I was ready to get back out there. I had been so worried about how to hide the four-year gap, but Peter helped me to realise that it was OK to make it clear it was a work break to recover from a serious accident. I ended up turning the gap around - from it feeling like a weakness, to it being a strength. It shows I’ve not let what happened to me, break me; in fact, it’s made me grow and be a better person.
Initially I wanted to start by looking for smaller jobs to get back into the workplace again. So, I started small but also tried with architecture jobs too, because I’m an architecture graduate. I also used to be a head waiter so I applied for a managerial role in hospitality which I got. It was a zero hours contract, but I was doing it when it suited me which was helpful for my recovery. It also helped to build my confidence in the workplace again and to get some money back in the bank!
Things then started to take an even more positive turn. I have a family friend who has a charity in East London and they suggested I get into mentoring and tell my story. I’ve now been doing it for two months and I really enjoy it - and I’m getting paid for it too! So now I’m a youth worker and mentor. My mum also has a company, where she supports young people in care. I’m now moving into that too. It all feels like such a breath of fresh air to be working again and doing something I love. Not having something to do, really gets me down. This job is flexible too, so I can work when I am able to, which helps me with my disability.
Twining has really helped me to get back to a good place. I finally feel like I can see the land. It’s like I’ve been remodelled and got the upgrade! The Twining charity and Peter have done so much for me, and I feel it can do so much for other people too. Especially in London when everyone is so busy with their own lives. I’d recommend Twining to anyone.
Peter was so understanding. He challenged me in all the right ways. I was sometimes a bit slow on doing things, but every week we had a deadline. This helped me to speed back up again. Having these targets really helped me. He is such a cool guy. He was really understanding of my situation. Even now when we have the check-in meetings and he’s asking me how I am – what I have done – where my head is at. He does his job really well. There is something about him that means you don’t want to let him down. He nudges you in a nice type of way and I don’t think I’ve experienced that before. He’s noticed the change in me too – from maybe being a bit down when we first started working together to being more positive and confident now - and Peter has really helped me with that. I really wanted to write this story to let Peter know how appreciative I am.
On this journey I realised that no one was going to help me. I knew I needed to help myself. Sometimes you just need people to tell you it’s OK and you can do it. That’s what Peter did for me, and I appreciate him so much. Now I tell my mentees the same affirming things!
Anyone that is in a position of need – just put your hand up and ask for help. I’ve never been one to ask for help; but there’s no harm in asking. The world didn’t get built by itself. From where I was, to where I am now – I feel ready to take on anything – I now feel “what’s next” in my life…!