A renewed sense of confidence

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Remi* had been struggling with her mental health and the thought of job hunting, and all that entailed, felt overwhelming to her.  Then she met Shivani, her dedicated Twining Employment Specialist, who helped to rebuild her self-esteem and confidence.  Remi now approaches challenges with a renewed sense of confidence and a belief that she is capable of achieving her goals.  Here she tells us her inspirational story in her own words…

When I first started going to the job centre, I was struggling with my mental health, confidence, and the anxiety of presenting myself in interviews. Even simple tasks like networking or meeting new people felt overwhelming, and I wasn’t sure where to begin. That’s when I met Shivani, who became a very important figure in my journey back to self-confidence.

Shivani understood my struggles from the very beginning and took the time to listen to me, offering not just professional guidance but a sense of genuine care and support. She set up practice interviews with me, giving me opportunities to practice being put in these scenarios which make me anxious, in a safe space. Each session made me feel more prepared and less fearful of the unknown.

Over time, I began to notice a change in myself. The once-daunting idea of interviews became manageable, and my self-esteem slowly started to rebuild. Shivani's support, encouragement, and the little things she did to show she cared made all the difference. I wasn’t just gaining job skills; I was gaining confidence in myself.

I look back at my time with Shivani with such gratitude.

Thanks to Shivani, I now approach challenges with a renewed sense of confidence and a belief that I am capable of achieving my goals.

*Name and picture changed to protect client anonymity

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