Tracy made me feel I was worth it

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Rigo had escaped an abusive relationship which led to him experiencing depression, anxiety and panic attacks.  His NHS Talking Therapies counsellor referred him to Twining Enterprise to support him in his search for work and to help his recovery journey.  His Employment Specialist, Tracy, supported Rigo with re-building his CV, as well as his confidence, and he was offered four jobs!  He’s now developing his skills further, looking for his next career move and feels positive about the future.  Here Rigo tells us his inspirational story in his own words…

I started with Tracy at the end of last summer – around November time – and at that point I was in a very difficult mental state.  I was coming out of a long-term abusive relationship and finding it difficult to come back into the workplace again.  My confidence was zero.  I was suffering with depression, anxiety and panic attacks.  You name it, I had it.

Through my GP I got help from counselling – and my therapist directed me to Tracy at Twining, who has been an absolute legend ever since!  She has been incredibly supportive!

She started by asking ‘What are we going to do?’ I had been working with my ex-partner doing painting and decorating and I didn’t want to go back into that field as it felt too triggering for me.

Then came an opportunity to do a course in customer services; part of the deal was once you’ve finished, they find you a job interview.  It was my first interview and I got offered the job!  The job opportunity was at the airport and that’s where I am now.

Before meeting Tracy I was applying for loads of jobs and not getting anything, but she did such an amazing job at re-doing my CV I ended up getting offered four jobs!  I never believed in the power of the CV until Tracy showed me how to re-write it.

I got offered multiple jobs but decided to take on the airport one as it’s part-time.  I want to get my confidence up first and then maybe move on to another job, in time.

I feel like what happened to me means I won’t ever be quite the same again.  I’ll never feel the same way again.  I feel like I’m permanently different now.  The job isn’t perfect, but I find it helps me to manage myself again.  Now I don’t read too much into what people say anymore, I just take comments on face value.

I’m in a much better mental state now.  There are still some days when I struggle with anxieties and depression, but these are less and less. It used to be horrible, but now it’s not as bad as it used to be.  Now if I’m feeling down, I just feel sleepy, but if I need to go to work, I still go to work.  I get myself up and get ready and go out, and by the end of the shift I might feel the same, but I feel proud of myself.  I treat myself to something nice.  I feel proud of myself for getting up and going out.

Every day I feel a little bit better.  Things feel so different compared to where they were a year ago.  If I compare where I was mentally a year ago – I am much, much better, now.

Tracy has been amazing – not just a great employment support worker – she should be a psychologist too!  Whenever I speak to her, I have that boost of energy.  She just gives me an energy which she radiates out.

I remember the day we re-built my CV, I was having a very tough day, but for some reason she just changed it.  I just felt different.  She has just got such a great energy.

I really appreciate what Tracy did for me – I wanted to share my story to thank her.  Even now I still get calls from Tracy – just checking up on me and seeing how the job is going.  She has a great way of explaining things and making things feel positive.

When I first started in the job I felt so overwhelmed at first, but Tracy reassured me it was normal and to stick with it and not to leave.  She just kept saying “it’s normal to feel this way when you start a brand-new job”.  I was reflecting on that the other day.  If it hadn’t been for Tracy at that time, I think I would have just quit the job.  But I didn’t quit and I’m still here!  That’s thanks to Tracy.

I’ve just finished another couple of courses; one was on motivating and leading a team.  I’m also doing some accredited management courses.  I just went to the library to update my CV.  The shift work is hard in this job, so I want to move jobs if possible.  This job has served its purpose for me.  Tracy told me to trust in the journey and I did.  The journey is this one.

Tracy understands how the process of a job and mental health is so closely linked; she was so professional and knew all the steps to take.  She wasn’t just a work coach – she was a human being too.  She put her heart and soul into the work with me.  The world needs people like this – society is broken in places, and we need people like Tracy.

Tracy is perfect for this.  She speaks to you like a human being.  She has a consistent and positive way of speaking.  She is the perfect combination of professionalism without forgetting you’re a human being.  She puts her fingerprint on what she does.  You need to brand her own personal approach!  I owe where I am today – mentally and professionally - to Tracy.  Without her guidance I wouldn’t have done the course or got the job.

And she’s still there now.  Supporting me.  She told me not to leave.  Just told me to stick with it.  I owe her a lot.  She kept saying things to me like “you’re worth it” “you can do this” at a time when I just really needed to hear those things.  Thank you so much Tracy!

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